10,324 ft / 3,147 m
Most climbed route
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"This really is a dayhike unless you are interested in the one night camping experience. I think we did it in about 9 hours up and down from the park entrance. I teamed up with three other travellers to keep down the costs, which was then 35 USD per person, including transportation and a sandwich/fruit lunch. It is a half and hour ride to the park entrance, then started hiking when it was still dark. Like mentioned below it is so set up that going on your own isn't that easy. I tried as the day before I hiked down to the "waterfall of love" which is the trail going down to the right of the park building but nobody could help me with a permit. But then was happy paying the 35 bucks coz we had a good time. Lots of people on the way to the summit, also many Vietnamese. Nobody seemed to be going without a guide. Cloudy at the top, some views of the valley below." — ncst • Mar 3, 2012