9,585 ft / 2,922 m
Most climbed route
2 climbs • 8.7 mi • 2,246 ft gain • 5 hr 27 min
Latest climbs

"I climbed Round Top on a perfect winter day via the standard West Ridge route. I followed an established ski track up the north slope from Carson Pass to the saddle. Dropped the snowshoes and scrambled up to the west summit over snow- and ice-covered rock and scree. Climbing down to the gap between the summits wasn't too bad, but the 3rd/4th class climb up the east summit from that spot was covered in snow. I traversed around the south side on steep snow and rock with some exposure, until I encountered a small class 3 gully that took me up to the top. I carried crampons, but didn't need them but used the axe extensively and was glad to have brought it.
Once back at the saddle, I made the short, steep climb up to The Sister (East) which provides a great view of Round Top's west ridge. I tried to glissade down from the saddle, but the snow was too powdery - I'm sure the skiers had a good time though. Finished the day with a hike up Elephants Back.
This was my first time at Carson Pass and I was blown away by how scenic it is there, especially in mid-winter under heavy snow cover." — klotito • Feb 21, 2021