Most climbed route
1 climb • 8.4 mi • 6,498 ft gain • 8 hr 46 min
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"From Nathan and Terrence's trip report a few weeks back on WTA
We are the Mountain Goats, Nathan (15) and Terrence (13), and recently (on Memorial Day) we climbed Eldorado Peak.
We started from the trailhead at around 1 PM. We had a hard time finding the creek crossing on the way up, but on the way back we realized that on the road there is a small turnout, and a cairn marking where you want to leave the road (left from the parking lot) and bushwhack down to the creek. It's about 250 feet from the parking lot. There are decent logs to cross the creek (you actually cross twice) before heading back to the right (east) where you will find the the trailhead sign and trail.
The trail starts in the woods, and it is very steep. Very similar to Mailbox, and even Snoqulamie Mountain. Pretty tough with full packs, and it takes awhile to get to the start of the boulder field at about 4,000 feet. You pick your way left to right over the boulders, which are large, so there is a lot of "hopping." There are a lot of cairns, and we we were able to pick up the actual trail here and there. Note that you want to stay to the right - the nice part about the boulder field is the views sta..." — BryHong8 • May 27, 2019
"Headed up Torment Creek, then followed the ridge line above Moraine Lake to the west. Camped near Point 7252. In the morning, headed out at 7 AM following the ridge west. Got on the Inspiration Glacier near Point 7292. Very few crevasses. Some of us summited the Eggplant (Point 7733). Dropped some gear and joined the standard ascent route. Summited at 1 PM. Knife Edge was not very edgy. Took the standard route down Eldorado Creek back to the trailhead." — mathiasricken • Jul 24, 2016