Most climbed route
- Easy access.
- Granite outcrops.
- Views.
- Firing Range Butt.
- New Bridge.
1 climb • 20.8 km • 497 m gain • 7 hr 55 min
Latest climbs

"An overcast day began from Rowtor Car Park with a long walk out the military ring road to Okement Hill. The sole intention of finally getting to Cranmere Pool and its fabled letterbox. From Okement Hill the walk takes a turn south across some of the wettest and uneven ground in the moor and with waist high grass, foot placement was difficult and the walking poles came out for stability. After the 900m or so to Cranmere Pool which thankfully was near dry at this time of year the letterbox was in sight. The obligatory note left in the visitor book and then onwards up to Black Ridge peat pass and Great Kneeset. A spot of lunch before heading back to Okement hill and then the military ring road once again before heading up East Mill Tor to finish off the day. 17.3km. Overcast. Solo" — MuchMoorWalking • Aug 3, 2024

"Starting from Rowtor Car Park and heading first to Hart Tor with its military observation post OP22. On to the moorland grass and wet underfoot proceeded up and over East Mill Tor and then direct to Okement Hill and OP15. Slight diversion in the rain due to peatland management works before arriving at the nearby Ockerton Court lake. Picked up the military track again before heading up Steeperton Tor for a lunch stop and warm brew before heading down to Knack Mine Ford and back to car via the ridge line path and the Cullever Steps. 15.3km. Showers & Windy. Solo" — MuchMoorWalking • Oct 14, 2023

"Beautiful easy Tor to climb where you will be well rewarded at the summit with inspiring 360 degree views. Would highly recommend you visit, some other equally nice Tors nearby." — Evie-and-Me • Jan 17, 2019

"My Bombardier Leadership course was carried out in Plymouth and around Dartmoor. I also spent a few weeks on Military excercise in and around the Moors. Okehampton was our basecamp, along with many other bivy areas around DTA (Dartmoor Training Area) spent many hours, both day and night, tabbing around Dartmoor in the cold and was ALWAYS cold and wet !!.
A beautiful area though, one day, I'd love to go back under my own guidance, and appreciate the moors in my own time. " — HikingViking • Apr 7, 1997