- Highest mountain in Evia, also called ''little Fuji'' because of its shape
- Most dangerous Greek mountain after Olympus
1 climb • 7.4 km • 783 m gain • 5 hr 43 min
1 climb • 7.0 km • 502 m gain • 6 hr 31 min
Latest climbs
"This hill is relentlessly steep, until you get to the top that is, and then it is an awkward hobble over quite rough knobbly terrain, avoiding a hollow by the south summit. I took it from the south east at around 1100m. It starts relatively ok, then shoots up on a fairly loose but relatively well marked path. A couple of sections required scrambling, the worst of which over quite smooth rock which would be a devil when wet, but nothing too challenging. I'd found my mountain legs by this point and stormed up (good thing really as I had left it quite late in the day) although I was disappointed to find the highest point quite far away once the height had been gained. I read somewhere that this is statistically one of the most dangerous Greek hills. Not sure how true that is but there are a couple of plaques commemorating people who didn't make it. Oh yes, and I worked out that what I thought was some kind of bumble bee was actually the local horsefly. I got bothered by these quite a bit, but fortunately only the males which don't bite, thankfully." — vygodski • Jul 2, 2023
"Surely my most beloved mountain. Have climbed it more times than I could count.
Mount Dirfys Photo Album:
General information and routes instructions in Greek language:" — DimitriosFan • Mar 22, 2017