12,169 ft / 3,709 m
7 climbs • 3.1 mi • 1,591 ft gain • 2 hr 55 min
1 climb • 3.2 mi • 1,616 ft gain • 1 hr 42 min
1 climb • 7.0 mi • 2,369 ft gain • 5 hr 46 min
1 climb • 7.8 mi • 1,775 ft gain • 5 hr 42 min
Latest climbs

"They say it's your birthday (it's my birthday too, yeah...!) - This was peak #1 in Jes' Birthday Peakbagging Bonanza! The digits of my birthday this year added up to 6, so I decided I was going to get six peaks on Peakery over my birthday weekend (Fri-Sun). Delano Peak was #1 - one of the LVMC Classic 50 peaks, and the furthest north in Utah that I had left to grab. Besides, I had just been in the area last week, and was only about a mile and a half away from the trailhead and didn't even know! So, had to come back, especially since it gave me an excuse to see the glorious fall color again. We left Vegas around 6 AM and headed up 1-15 to Beaver, then UT-153 to the forest service road to Big John Flat. SO! Delano Peak is... somewhat steep. I was looking at a GPS track here on Peakery and didn't pay attention to the fact that they summited both Delano AND East Delano, so the mileage total was for both peaks. I had it in my head that Delano was a 5-mile round-trip hike with 2,000' elevation gain. Sure, I've done steeper, but short and steep is... still steep. Turns out that the REAL stats for just Delano are 3.2 miles round-trip with 1700' gain. So, yes, that's steep! The weather was ..." — psychikingjes • Oct 9, 2020

"Lost the trail on the way down in the dark, crashed through the woods smelling of rootbeer (that I cracked at the top) and worrying about black bears. Eventually found the road and my car. That was an adventure!" — ninaclaunch • Jul 4, 2020

"9.2.18 Delano Peak, Tushar Mountain Range in UT, 12,169’. Today was a beautiful and special Family experience. The kids fought hard to get to the top. It wasn’t easy for them. The air was thin. It was also a scary day. We broke down on the busy I-15 Hwy on the way home. Thank you Karla and Zee for rescuing us and getting us back to NV. " — paula.raimondi • Sep 2, 2018

"Late night summit by the light of the full moon and headlamps, as well as the light of the nearby forest fire. From the top the forest fire could be seen in places, and an inversion layer had set up which locked all the smoke in the surrounding valleys, it was really cool to see." — tomsenreed • Sep 17, 2016

"We decided to do Delano as a Sunset Hike. We left the trailhead at 7:17 p.m. was at the trailhead by 8:40 and safely back to our car by 9:54 p.m. We then found a campsite at Fishlake, Big John's Flat. It was very windy and very cold at the peak. The Sunset made it worth every minute. We did see a porcupine on our way down in the dark and was very happy when we originally thought it was a skunk and it was not! There were some sheep that we were able to see way in the distance once we were on the peek. Lots of deer frolicking around on the way up. " — MoneyPenny • Aug 8, 2015

"What an amazing area!!! There were wildflowers everywhere & we saw a ton of mountain goats near the summit. It was a bit of a long drive from Vegas for a short hike, but it was so beautiful. I know I'll be back up here again to camp out & bag some more peaks!" — Kevin • Aug 3, 2013
"Overall a nice and short Hiking experience but not worth the long drive from Las Vegas, just did it because is was on my way back from a Northern Utah trip. In combination with East Delano and Delano Brigham Ridge Peak it made a nice day of hiking. Still plenty of snow patches which can be avoided or hiked over. Surprised about the Snow condition, which have been good and hard enough to walk over. " — Nuernberger • May 25, 2013

"Started just past poison creek. Nice cool day to the summit with Lots of mountain goats in the area. crossed over to East Delano after. Very short hike with lots of elevation." — Ryan_Wallace • Aug 11, 2012

"Robert, Rocky my dog, and I summited on an overcast day, but luckily for us the view of the surrounding mountains was still beautiful. There was a storm heading our way, and the wind was really picking up the last 500 vertical feet from the summit. With the wind the temperature went from 20 degrees to about 5, with a wind chill well below zero. Climbing up the summit ridge was also difficult, and we had to lean about 25 degrees to the right just to keep from blowing over the side of the ridge! Other than that, it was a great climb!" — strongbad_reggie • Nov 12, 2011