6,820 ft / 2,079 m
Most climbed route
1 climb • 12.6 mi • 3,658 ft gain • 8 hr 27 min
Latest climbs
"Memorial Day 2024 Desert Divide trip. Fobes Ranch road is super bumpy and not in good shape.
Fobes trail up to PCT was easy. Steady climb up from Fobes Saddle to Spitler. Great views of San Jacinto and south to Rabbit Peak. I passed about a dozen PCTers returning to the saddle.
From the saddle up to Palm view the vegetation is encroaching the trail in a number of places. I clipped the worst areas on the lower switchbacks. Palm View is a flat, wooded, overgrown summit; I don't know why the Sierra Club chooses to include peaks like this.
From Palm View, the descent to Cone is well-ducked but requires paying close attention to not get off route. I clipped another section through here. I climbed the wrong spire at the summit before realizing that the south block was higher. Fun class 2/3 summit blocks.
I was fairly tired at this point and wanted to avoid the 700' XC climb back to the PCT, so I took a gamble on descending the draw on the west face of Cone peak. This went easily for the upper half. There's a spring (not on map) about half way down and water in the creek which meant the vegetation got much thicker. I ended up staying in the creekbed directly most of the way. Th..." — edg • May 27, 2024

"This is the kind of peak that restores faith in the HPS! Great granite summit crown, with the final block requiring some exposed moves to get to a seat just big enough for one. This was my first stop of a 6 peak traverse." — Christopher • Jan 25, 2014