11,688 ft / 3,563 m
Most climbed route
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"Didn't go out expecting to climb Chocolate Peak. I had a few days to acclimate before climbing Whitney a few days later. My plan was to explore some of the high elevation lakes in the John Muir Wilderness west of Bishop, CA. I took the Bishop Pass Trail to Long Lake, then initiated the loop by climbing to Ruwau Lake and then to a high bench before descending to Chocolate Lakes. Meanwhile, the bench was on the shoulder of Chocolate Peak. I noticed rock cairns going up the side of the summit. Since I didn't see any other markers, I assumed this was the way to Chocolate Lakes, so I turned left and started going up. After about a minute I came to my senses and realized that I was heading toward the summit. With that realization in mind, I simply kept going. Route finding was a little sketchy, but usually a cairn was visible in the general direction of "up". The summit is reached rather quickly and has great views into the John Muir Wilderness and the many lakes below. Meanwhile Cloudripper hovers over Chocolate Peak to the east. From the summit, I returned to the high bench and descended to Chocolate Lakes to continue completing the loop. I then followed the Bishop Pass trail ..." — MikeTeeples • Aug 18, 2018

"Hiked from Long Lake up to Ruwau Lake and from there up to the peak, and then looped down around the chocolate lakes, past Bull Lake and then back up the Bishop Pass Trail to Long Lake" — tomsenreed • Jul 10, 2015