1,760 ft / 536 m
Most climbed route
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"Training run to scout the Frozen Toe 10K course. However, the "snow" storm created a cancellation of the race's permit by the National Park Service. At any rate, I ran the loop, bagged Chestnut Ridge and Stone Mountain. A nice, forested loop, but I never run well on this course for some reason." — runshigleyrun • Dec 30, 2023

"A shorter trail run sandwiched between two weekends of epic long, difficult mountain runs. This is a nice loop that rolls and allows you to bag two popular peaks in the Roanoke Valley. It's definitely a go-to when I need a nearby, medium (6-7 miles) distance. " — runshigleyrun • Aug 13, 2023

"The first splashes of color in the Blue Ridge. Legs felt great and my lungs embraced the cool, rainy weather that gave off a fresh, mountain scent. My favorite running season is upon us. " — runshigleyrun • Sep 10, 2022

"A sluggish, hot run around one of my favorite loops. Keeping with tradition, I went off trail and scooted up to the peak with no view, but usually with several deer not exactly awaiting my arrival. " — runshigleyrun • Aug 17, 2022

"Chestnut Ridge loop has become my tempo run course. Rolling hills with some technicality, but very runnable. In the winter, constant views of nearby Roanoke Mountain. A short drive from home and excellent trail for running. In order to reach the peak, you will need to scramble to the top. The AllTrails app is helpful as well. " — runshigleyrun • Nov 24, 2021

"Preparing for an upcoming trail race on Chestnut Ridge. A bit rocky and rooty with some good short climbs. Views of nearby Roanoke Mountain. An off-trail scramble to the peak utilizing AllTrails app. A fantastic, challenging loop. " — runshigleyrun • Nov 21, 2021