Highest peak
Gerlachovský Štít
8,710 ft / 2,654 m
Most prominent peak
Gerlachovský Štít
7,726 ft / 2,354 m prom
Most climbed peak
51 climbs
Most difficult peak
Gerlachovský Štít
Class 3
Difficulty breakdown
Class 3/4 1 peak
Latest climbs
"🗺️ Expedícia 🏔️ SmoZarOstKa 🥾 sólo
😃 14x FI ☹️ 2x DNF 📏 24.3 km ⛰️ 1062 m 🕙 8:03 🌡️🥶 -1°C ☀️ 87% 💨 14 km/h NW
Každý rok si na svoje narodeniny venujem dovolenkový deň a naplním ho niečím, čo mám rád. Tak aj dnes, vybral som sa na turistiku a do oka mi padlo okolie Smoleníc a hlavne Záruby s Ostrým kameňom. Pribudlo tu pár kešiek a naposledy som tu bol veľmi veľmi dávno. Ak dobre pozerám, deň po svojich narodeninách v roku 2013. Neskôr ešte na jar 2016 na Vlčiarni, ale to už tiež bude 6 rokov. Zrána som polovil pár pekných kešiek okolo zámku nad dedinou, vyšiel som zľadovatelým chodníkom na Havraniu skalu a po hrebeni cez Havranicu a Záruby až na Ostrý kameň. Počasie mi vyšlo celkom pekné, zväčša slnečné, hore je menej snehu ako som čakal - len tak pocukrované, po členky. Aj vďaka tomu som nemal väčšie problémy s hľadaním kešiek. Od zrúcaniny som zišiel dole na Brezinky a dolinou, cez sedlo a Čertov žľab som sa vrátil nazad do Smoleníc. Pár DNF ma zdržalo, tak mi Molpír zostal nabudúce. Podarili sa aj 2 prúsery - niekde som zabudol slnečné okuliare (športové s oranžovými sklami) a naopak, v batohu som si domov priviezol čosi navyše 😶 čo budem musieť vrátiť." — Rikitan • Jan 18, 2022
"#1 in Eastern Europe Ranges
#1 in Carpathian Ranges;
#1 in Tatra Ranges;
#1 in High Tatra range ;
#1 in Slovakia;
#1 in Presov region of Slovakia
#11 in Europe by prominence.
and etc..
So, at least six times first.. Who can resist : ).
Climbing without guide is not permitted (exceptions can be done for certified members of national alpine clubs ). Otherwise park authorities insisting on hiring guide. At the very last moment we catched one - Dusko. And i found him to be very good. I can recommend to everyone.
Because of potential afternoon storm we started at 4:30 from Selszky Dom. ~45 minutes to the bottom of the rocks. From there it is about 3-4 hours of grade II or III climb. All went smooth. Thanks for all kinds of advices and help from Dusko.
Sky was still crystal clear when we reached the peak. Gorgeous views to all directions. Most of High Tatras peaks visible around. I think we spent almost one hour on the top, sharing limited space with another ~15 people.
Scramble down was slower than I expected.. Even if guide chose easier trail via the West slope. After 3-4 hours we reached small lake, and from there it was simple, few kilometers walk. Few c..." — Deividas • Jul 29, 2013
"This was a main target in todays 22km and ~1500 vertical meters hike.
Peak has 1143m prominence and it makes peak quite attractive and. On top of that it's a highest peak in the Lower Tatra Range. Also it marks one of the Slovak state tops.
It was weekend, and we met so many people. Otherwise it's really excellent trail with a wonderful views almost all the time. We skipped lifts to the peak Chopok (few kilometers away) and made it from the bottom parking station. So it became good exercise too." — Deividas • Jul 27, 2013