Highest peak
High Point (New Jersey)
1,803 ft / 549 m
Most prominent peak
High Point (New Jersey)
883 ft / 269 m prom
Most climbed peak
High Point (New Jersey)
176 climbs
Most difficult peak
no info yet
Difficulty breakdown
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"I set out to prove (to myself) that the highpoints of New Jersey and Delaware can be reached without a car. I took the Main/Bergen County Line on NJ Transit up to Port Jervis, NY, checked into the Erie Hotel, dropped off a few things, and hit the road just before 12:30pm. A thunderstorm passed by to the north of Port Jervis which resulted in some rain but also, more significantly, a ton of humidity. The first mile and half was an easy trek through town and over the Neversink River on sidewalks, but the sidewalks disappeared just before the intersection of E Main St and Clove Rd, leaving me to sprint to a traffic island and then sprint over a guardrail to reach some grass to the east of Clove Rd. The next tricky traffic-dodging move involved sprinting across the ramps onto/off Interstate 84. I made a left onto the Greenville Turnpike and had a reprieve from the constant traffic. Although this road doesn't have sidewalks or much space to avoid cars, it is primarily residential and the few cars that did pass had no problem avoiding me. However, this is where the elevation begins. The 1.8 miles on the Greenville Turnpike rises about 600 feet and becomes gradually steeper until the turn..." — JCalautti • Aug 4, 2024

"Beth and I ran 12 miles in the morning then we were off to High Point, NJ to claim another state HP. We were supposed to bag Marcy this weekend but HS soccer got in the way. Jersey was the next best option. It was a 3 hours drive up to High Point State Park (with a lunch stop in Scranton, PA) - then we stretched our legs for a quick 3 mile hike around Monument Trail Loop to the High Point monument." — wiweasel • Sep 3, 2023

"Completed Acropolis trail on the south side of 206 and returned to the Culver’s Gap parking lot just as the sunset. Driving up Sunrise Mountain Road, I stopped at the Tower Trail, put on a headlamp and hiked as fast as I could to the top. Anything to spend more time in the woods! The twilight view did not disappoint!" — bruno-osb • Nov 17, 2022

"Perfect Autumn day for this HP. Traveled over from Delaware the day before. Number 18 for us in total. Parked at the bottom car park and walked up a quick half mile trail. Was very busy at the top as most people just drive up and park. A really nice monument was built there but closed on the day. Beautiful views all around." — CravinoCrew • Oct 23, 2021

"Started at Stony Lake and hiked Tower Trail up to AT, then AT along the ridge to Sunrise Mountain, took Blue Mountain connector down to Blue Mountain, to Tinsley, and from Tinsley hiked back to where I was staying.
Of note, I had an up close encounter with a porcupine just below the summit of Culver’s Ridge!" — bruno-osb • Oct 9, 2021