Near the summit of iconic Table Mountain in Cape Town lies a WW1 memorial placed there in 1922 by The Mountain Club of South Africa. This circular plaque maps out the 360 panorama visible from this lofty vantage point. This challenge includes all 23 peaks that are featured on the memorial. Created by peakery member Des Deary.
Highest peak
6,814 ft / 2,076 m
Most prominent peak
5,680 ft / 1,731 m prom
Most climbed peak
Table Mountain (Maclear's Beacon)
116 climbs
Most difficult peak
Class 1
Difficulty breakdown
Class 1/2 1 peak
Latest climbs
"Awesome summit above the clouds of a fast approaching summer cold front. Reached it at 6:40 which makes it 80 minutes after leaving the overhang. Navigating by GPX made things a lot easier as mist and later heavy rain set in about 20min after leaving the summit. We took the route to the right (south) of the big rocks one encounter when exiting Duiwelskloof. There is no path but there are cairns to the first / secondary peak. From there the peak is close by, we opted to cross over on the little grassy plateau on its SE side which is probably quiker than following the ridge. The hike down to Bergriver dam is a very long and arduous bundubash. The first ramp down to the first saddle is by far the steepest and worst. There is quite a nice flat bivvy spot with water close by, not sure if still present in late summer. The second ramp down is easier but the path which we struck just south of Afrika-kop, was severely disappointing as much of it resembled a large gutter filled with loose stone which made going down-hill in it, almost as bad as the prior bundu-bashing." — dawidburger • Dec 15, 2024
"long day. Made camp at base of north ridge. Ascended to peak and back. Perfect weather with no cloud cover. No water on the ridge or throughout the entire day. Took about 4 litres each of water and this was the right amount. Ascent / descent about 2,400m and took 10 hours. The final approach would be sketchy in dense cloud or high wind. " — daveknight • Nov 24, 2024
"As part of the MCSA Stellenbosch - CapeTown Joint meet. A circular route up the Puddings (C-grade), across the top to the peak and down the ridgeline back to the Dutoiteskloof hut. " — CraigBurnsStellenbosch • Nov 2, 2024
"Perfect weather before storm blew in the following evening. We delayed the hike a month initially due to bad weather and snow. Hike / scrambled to peak from the south side. Grade A scrambles, but maybe a few Grade B sections as we went slightly off route at one point. We found a much easier gulley on the way back. No water on the mountain apart from at the very start and end. There was a bit of a drip about 150m below the summit but that was all. So take enough water for a 10 hour hike. " — daveknight • Oct 25, 2024
"It was Matt's birthday, so naturally we did one of the best hikes in the cape! We set off from silvermine and went via the Elephants Eye up to Constantiaberg and on to Constantia nek. " — Willowskid08 • Sep 9, 2024