Highest peak
North Uncanoonuc Mountain
1,324 ft / 403 m
Most prominent peak
North Uncanoonuc Mountain
754 ft / 229 m prom
Most climbed peak
Mount Pawtuckaway South Mountain
62 climbs
Most difficult peak
no info yet
Difficulty breakdown
no info yet
Latest climbs

"Three years ago I came up here the easy way. Not this time although, as a meetup group hike, I didn't have a say in the route haha. Started from the east side trailhead and took various trails to the summit for this Veterans Day. The sky cleared up nicely at the summit for wonderfully long views. A great group of people made this a terrific hike to be along on." — SteveM_StickMan • Nov 11, 2024

"This trail is a lung buster! Non-stop straight up, with short moderating sections. There's a cool sheltering cave on the way if wild weather strikes. The only view these days other than the south peak is toward the east of Manchester." — SteveM_StickMan • Oct 9, 2024
"After my dentist appointment, I drove down to Pawtuckaway State Park to do some red-lining of the trails. Off of Reservation Rd, I did a loop to the south and had to go over some beaver flooding on the trail. I hiked up between South and Middle Peak and hiked up South first. Nice views from the fire tower. I then headed up Middle where I had a directional ledge view. I touched the high point in the woods and headed down. I was running out of time, so I took the Tower Rd back to my car. " — newenglandwarrior • Mar 14, 2024

"Had some time left this afternoon to check out this Goffstown high point. Good view from the summit area to the northeast and Manchester area. Dismantled a couple of makeshift fire rings on the summit. On the way down took the snowmobile route bypassing the steeper Blue Tr. section since I was wearing sneakers this time." — SteveM_StickMan • May 8, 2022

"So I was going to hike both North and South today but when I got to the trailhead, wouldn't you know... forgot the microspikes. With so much ice around, the possibility of ending up injured was too great. So while exploring the area, found the road to the top. Drove up to the broadcast / cell tower area, parked and walked around, finding the actual summit point next to a cell tower fence. It was getting late and with the stiff wind blowing, saved the hike to this and its neighbor for another time." — SteveM_StickMan • Feb 23, 2022