Summit a chain of peaks along the most stunning high ridge in Slovakia. Known in Slovak as "prechod hlavného hrebeňa Nízkych Tatier," or "crossing of the main ridge of the Low Tatras," this challenge includes the peaks along the famous main ridge trail in the heart of Low Tatras National Park (Národný park Nízke Tatry) in Slovakia. The 90km route traverses the range from Telgart to Donovaly with over 10,000 m of elevation gain. Mountain huts line the route making multi-day trips a popular option; most people take 3-5 days to complete the full traverse. Although an insane few attempt the full traverse in an ultra-long, difficult, single-day trail run.
6,712 ft / 2,045 m
3,750 ft / 1,143 m prom
58 climbs
Kráľova Hoľa
Class 1
Class 1/2 1 peak