Includes 20 peaks less than 45 kilometers from Hokitika, New Zealand, the biggest town in the Westland District of the West Coast Region. All lie west of the main divide and in Westland District between the Taramakau River and the southernmost tributary of the Mikonui River. All can be seen from the Hokitika township. This challenge does not include peaks with technical climbs but some require use of ice axe and crampons, good bush skills to negotiate untracked rainforest and mountain scrub, boulder hopping, and unbridged river crossings. Created by peakery member Glenn Johnston.
Highest peak
Mount Beaumont
7,007 ft / 2,136 m
Most prominent peak
3,500 ft / 1,067 m prom
Most climbed peak
22 climbs
Most difficult peak
no info yet
Difficulty breakdown
no info yet
Latest climbs

"Walked into Dillon hut new years eve. Group of uni students had driven in with 4wd and were having a party. Nice of them to borrow me a tent to sleep outside for some peace.
Next day up the Taipo and then dunns creek to hut. Carried on up to a point just NE of dunns saddle. Stable schist blocks made a nice walk up. Scrambpe my way up to the summit ridge and then over to the summit. Decided on a shortcut and dropped dowwn the north face into upper scottys creek and sidled around to scottys saddle. Traversed the ridge east. Was getting dark by then and had some trouble locating the permolat track down in the scrub. Phone went flat at that point, so GPX track ended. Got down to the Taipo but was too swift to cross, went 750m upstream where it widened out opposite junction with seven mile creek. Made it over at 12.45am and walked out to car. 19 hours that day. Totally underrestimated time required. Had expected 12-14 hours. Bad thigh and back chafing and navigation and riiver crossing difficulties as well as too much faffing blew the time right out." — AidanAstwood • Dec 31, 2024

"Morning walk up Tuhua and back home for lunch. It was a nice fine day after a frosty start. There were a few people about including another Peakery member who had an early start and was on the summit for sunrise." — glennj • Oct 28, 2023

"Walked up from the SW starting from the Cycle Trail at Kawhaka Creek and used a fairly new track made by the "Alpine Club" through the bush and scrub to the tops. Thought I'd have a look at this route as I usually climb Turiwhate from the north side." — glennj • Oct 8, 2023

"Walked up with mate Hutty. Used the track to the trig beacon starting from Macarthur Road. Had nice wx. Noticed some nice tree specimens above where the old time logging stopped." — glennj • Jul 22, 2023

"Cycled the West Coast Wilderness Trail from Kawhaka to where the ridge track starts. Clagg rolled onto the summit shortly after arrival. One deer seen on the clearing where the track starts. Last summit was 2015 via Grahams Creek." — jasonsweney • Dec 3, 2022