Highest peak
Scafell Pike
3,209 ft / 978 m
Most prominent peak
Scafell Pike
2,992 ft / 911 m prom
Most climbed peak
Scafell Pike
161 climbs
Most difficult peak
Class 2
Difficulty breakdown
Class 1/2 1 peak
Latest climbs

"Good trek round striding edge. Hit a few peaks on the day. Really good weather. Striding edge is a good challenge for those who are looking for something a bit more challenging. Don’t take it lightly, there are a few points where footing is difficult. There is a path that follows the edge so an easier route is available if needed." — CB-Climb • Sep 7, 2024

"Was feeling very, very fatigued after a full week hiking and climbing in mostly serious windy and wet weather. Also made worse by the 2hr drive in from the North due to closed roads. I did debate about my choice of route and final mountain of the week. I'm glad I ticked off my final English 3000er, but by the time I had started descending, I was feeling pretty miserable. Also due to the amount of persistent rain over the last few months, descending Scafell via Foxes Tarn and the waterfall gully was both fun, ridiculous and at times down right stupid. To be safe, there was no getting around things with the amount of water flow and green slimy rocks. Had to shimmy down on my backside on some of the sections to prevent a nasty injury, meaning a lovely flow of water down the back of my trousers. All in all a very sketchy descent which is more suited to summer than the back end of winter! Also, without the hiking poles - I'd have probably slipped and smashed my head on some of the sections. By the time I was below Cam Spout Crag, I was well and truly beaten up and tired. From there it seemed to go on forever getting back to the car through many many bogs and lots of streams and..." — adventure-stricken • Apr 11, 2024

"Today completed my Winter Wainwrights Challenge - 214 hills to be completed within the winter months, December 21st to March 20. Managed it with 20 days spare despite the many interruptions by builders, family, work, weather, etc." — johnandsue4fun • Feb 27, 2023

"Today completed my Winter Wainwrights Challenge - 214 hills to be completed within the winter months, December 21st to March 20. Managed it with 20 days spare despite the many interruptions by builders, family, work, weather, etc." — johnandsue4fun • Feb 27, 2023

"22/11/2022 Scafell Pike via a slightly roundabout route from Langdale. Visibility not very good despite the promising forecast but it did remain dry. Snow above 2500’ but not enough to be any trouble. Usual crowds on the summit as shown in the only photo taken today. A good walk." — johnandsue4fun • Nov 22, 2022