Highest peak
South Sister
10,358 ft / 3,157 m
Most prominent peak
South Sister
5,598 ft / 1,706 m prom
Most climbed peak
South Sister
125 climbs
Most difficult peak
South Sister
Class 1
Difficulty breakdown
Class 1/2 1 peak
Class 3/4 1 peak
Latest climbs

"Jon drove down and we got a noon start on Broken top. Super pretty hike out to Green lakes. The short 5th class wasn’t too bad but it was a bit loose so we ended up rapping it. The catwalk was super mellow as well. Went for a swim on the way out and saw hundreds of tiny frogs." — MatthewWinterberg • Sep 23, 2024

"3 am start time did not translate into a sunrise summit today, but not far behind! Got my mountain shadow shot with perfect temps and light breeze. Nice to stand on the mountain that started it all one more time!" — oregon-mt-goat • Jul 19, 2024

"Don’t think I went up the standard way , but it went . I biked from Dutchman flat sno park as I thought I could avoid wilderness permit , but when I got to TH it seemed like they wanted me to have one anyway. Confusing! Thankfully the Gestapo weren’t out checking papers today. Todd lake trail is nice and cruisy all the way to green lake campground. From there I headed right toward the waterfall that you can see on the mountain in the distance , and a faint trail provides loose, but class 1 access to the base of lewis glacier peak where it merges with standard trail. Lewis glacier peak shouldn’t take more than 15-20 mins . From there it got kind of annoying , wasn’t expecting it to be that loose and dusty. On the rim, I dropped down a class 3 exit and scree slid down pretty much all the way to the saddle and then walked up to hodge crest . I would track a gps or make sure you know what exit you take as it all looks the same on the way back up. It is also extremely loose to get back. Once you are back on , its smooth sailing to top. The best part about this was definitely the waterfalls after green lake , and the alpine lakes at the junction. I even took a quick little nap at the hig..." — joshortman • Aug 25, 2023

"1hr club on bachelor . Had to go goggins mode toward the end to get it in 1hr. Nice busy trail all the way up. Sisters looking nice in the distance , I think I’m going to try for north and middle sister next week unless someone wants to come pick me up at devil lake and take me back to pole creek so I can link up a three sisters traverse :) " — joshortman • Aug 12, 2023
"We got lucky with the permits, obtaining one 2 days out. Tough but beautiful hike. Haze and wildfire smoke did a number on the views. We were able to see the area near South Sister and some of the tall peaks poking above the smoke, but nothing for views when it came to long distance stuff. Lots of dust on the trail. Again, really tough hike. " — newenglandwarrior • Jul 26, 2023