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"6/29/24: Fifth and final summit of the Handcart Loop: From Peak 12624 we bypassed Bullion to the Peak 13001 saddle to scope a route down. The nearest snowfield looked very steep just above the runout and would be precarious at best. The next one, off the near side of Peak 13001 looked safer but not much better. We made the Bullion summit and decided between the dry SE ridge of Bullion or a much smaller snowfield off the SW slopes. The guys ultimately capitulated to the glissade. Three successful glissade pitches between us and a few cuts and scrapes from the rottening snow and we were on our way down to the Lake Fork crossing to pick up the Lake Gibson Trl which spit us out onto Hall Valley Rd. On the way, we checked out a totally demolished Jeep Cherokee which must have rolled several times a few years ago. We wondered how anyone could survive such a roll. Nearby we discovered perhaps the highest headwaters of the Platte River at around 12,300: a ground water seep from the snowfield above coming straight out of the ground. Pretty cool. After one more easier/shorter glissade and the enjoyable Lake Gibson Trl, it was a way-too-long 1.5 mile slog back to the campground. Even though m..." — LoneWolf • Jun 29, 2024