
3,122 ft / 952 m

#9 in Kerry

#9 in Ireland


3,041 ft / 927 m

#2 in Kerry

#2 in Ireland


20 climbs

#2 in Kerry

#9 in Ireland

Top climbing months

June   16%

September  16%

January   16%

Most climbed route

Cosán na Naomh (Saints Road)


  • Outside of the Macgillycuddy's Reeks range, Mount Brandon is the highest peak in Ireland.
  • It rises from the coast of the incredible Dingle peninsula.
  • A clear day at the summit is a rarity; be mindful that strong winds and incessant rain are frequent visitors of the broad, exposed summit.
  • The classic route is from the east and requires a bit of scrambling; the pilgrim route marked by white posts is easier and is best for low visibility conditions.
1 climb • 16.1 km • 1,064 m gain • 5 hr 44 min
1 climb • 22.3 km • 1,349 m gain • 7 hr 5 min

