3,080 ft / 939 m
Most climbed route
1 climb • 6.0 mi • 882 ft gain • 3 hr 19 min
1 climb • 8.7 mi • 1,588 ft gain • 3 hr 50 min
Latest climbs

"Parked on Blaine St in the box spring park area at the end of the street and walked along the rail road and hiked up the trail that takes you to the big C and from the continued up the ridge to the summit of Box Spring mountain the views where incredible since the visibility was really clear this morning the trail was really really steep the first mile and half but once you passed the C and got up the ridge it was gradual the rest of the way it was honestly my favorite way to summit the mountain
7.5 miles RT
Elevation gain 2,142 ft " — Socalhiker12 • Oct 19, 2024

"Started hiking from the bottom in twin tress trailhead and walked all the way to the summit with beautiful views all around me and it was a nice cool morning with a nice marine layer covering the summits of the mountain
8.4 miles round trip
1,824 feet of elevation " — Socalhiker12 • Sep 13, 2024

"This hike was started at 10 AM and I did this hike during a heatwave (90 degrees). Most of the hike had decent views and eventually had better views into the surrounding communities. Then I went more up the trail through the heat and switchbacks and saw lots of graffiti and the Alpha lizard. Then as I climbed more the views opened up even more and I passed through brushlands and meadows. Then I went behind one of the antenna buildings on the left for a nice view from the summit of Box Springs and then went back down the way I came. " — lc444 • Jun 9, 2024

"Completed a loop hike on the Box Springs Mountain plateau. From the parking lot, I picked up the Edison Trail going south to first summit Peak 2602. Next, I visited Box Springs Lookout. From there I followed the power line use trail toward Peak 3001. After Peak 3001, I picked up Box Springs Mountain Rd and visited Box Springs Mountain. I continued on to an overlook point of The "M". From there I went back north up Box Springs Mountain Road, where I diverted off the road to Peak 2866. There are two more peaks to get along the road, but I will get them next time (don't want to get too many peaks in a day, or else the experience becomes a blur). Meanwhile, I just completed the loop from there. " — MikeTeeples • Sep 11, 2022

"Accessed the hike from Hidden Springs Drive in Moreno Valley and picked up The M Trail. It's a good climb from there to the giant "M" that is painted below the summit of Box Springs Mountain. A little ways behind the "M" is the high point of Box Springs Mountain. A gated electrical/radio tower facility sits on the summit. Took a slightly different pathway down until they eventually merged about half way back." — MikeTeeples • Feb 5, 2022

"I have been eyeing this mountain for quite a while. I finally drove out to Riverside/Moreno Valley from my home in N. Orange County to hike here. I took the east approach from the Hidden Springs Rd. staging area, near Pigeon Pass Rd. There are many other ways to hike in the Box Springs Mountain, but this one was direct to the "M" and the nearby summit of the range. The hike was moderate in difficulty due to some steep parts, but after going to the "M" and then over a small peak with radio towers, the actual summit is the second set of towers just north of the one overlooking the "M". I visited the summit, and then after I started the descent, there are two small summits about a half mile south/southeast from the "M". The first one had a clear use trail, so I visited that peaklet, and the second had less a use trail than an animal trail, so I visited that one as well, likely adding 3/4 of a mile to the round-trip. What a way to celebrate the Spring Equinox than a hike! Elevation gain just to the summit of Box Springs from the lot is about 1300', and with the 2 peaklets, it only added about 120' extra combined. The round trip excluding the extra summits is about 3.8 mi - 4..." — brianpowell • Mar 20, 2018

"4.6 miles r/t w/1,130' elevation gain on Box Springs Mtn Road and Spring Trail from parking spot on Box Springs Mtn Rd (2,200'), not in parking lot. Had time so took a longer walk... 45 mins up, 30 mins down." — BradStemm • Jun 12, 2013