735 ft / 224 m
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"Sunday 18th February 2018. An ascent of Box Hill 224m/53m, near Dorking, Surrey. From West Humble in the Mole Valley. 10.2km, with 260m of ascent. 3hrs 0min.
Box Hill lies in the North Downs in Surrey. The western end of the escarpment is a popular walking and beauty spot, managed by the National Trust. For further details, see at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_Hill,_Surrey.
Down in South-East England again due to yet another paternal emergency (which made me miss Rob Woodall's Welsh Tump completion), I took the opportunity, after I had stabilised the situation, of heading, as slight compensation, to the Surrey Hills AONB for a few hours of fresh air and exercise. The sun was shining as I left my father's house, but the forecast was for it to cloud over by midday, and so it did. However, it remained bright and dry, and I was thankful for that. I was desperate to get out, after three days either inside or travelling to and from the hospital.
After combat on the M25, I drove along the A24 from Leatherhead, turning off before Dorking to park in the (free) train station car park at Box & West Humble. I was lucky, as only one parking space remained. I set off down the lane t..." — marktrengove2 • Feb 18, 2018