2,640 ft / 805 m
- Although of modest elevation, Black Mountain's perch above Lake George is in-your-face dramatic.
- A great trail loops past multiple lakes before switchbacking along ledges to the summit.
- The best view is north from the summit; sneak past the edge of the closed off cabin and firetower complex to get the choice-est perch of the day.
42 climbs • 6.3 mi • 884 ft gain • 3 hr 45 min
7 climbs • 6.1 mi • 725 ft gain • 2 hr 54 min
5 climbs • 7.2 mi • 1,236 ft gain • 5 hr 29 min
2 climbs • 20.2 mi • 2,333 ft gain • 14 hr 47 min
2 climbs • 6.8 mi • 1,173 ft gain • 3 hr 56 min
Latest climbs

"Mostly icy going up the trail used crampons. Going down the other side not much snow or ice till you got to the bottom where it is more shaded. Unfortunately took off the crampons and to lazy to put them back on. (did the loop a little over 7 miles)" — sarahlaustrup • Mar 29, 2022

"Tom, Black and I left the trailhead at 9:55 am under clear blue skies at 6 degrees. Turns out the entire trail, car to summit, is a snowmobile trail as well as a foot trail. Conditions were hard packed and frozen. Very little ice. Trail crampons car to summit. We had the summit to ourselves. Views to the north are stunning! The old fire tower has been converted to a search and rescue communications tower powered by both solar and wind turbine. Returned to the car at 12:20 pm. Short hike of 6.3 miles on a beautiful winter day!" — garyogden • Jan 30, 2022

"Black Mountain has spectacular views of Lake George! 8.25 miles & 1379 feet elevation gain, a bit steep & challenging for the last mile. The fire tower is closed but you don’t need the extra height to enjoy the incredible views. Lots of red efts & cool mushrooms, including a nice flush of umbrella polypore." — EmilyDoucet729 • Aug 28, 2021

"Jan 3 2021. Hiked the red trail (short one) up and back. Trail was crusted ice below a inch of snow on top of the ice. Conditions were the same the entire length of the trail. Used micro spikes the entire trip. Weather was great 30 degrees and no wind. Because of the clouds could not see Lake George from the top. 10 other people on the trail. No need for snow shoes, micro spikes a must. " — Tree2topper • Jan 3, 2021
"Decided to hike Black with Kim. We got an early start to try and avoid crowds. Lots of mosquitos and black flies. Could not stay at the summit long due to the bugs. Weather was nice. A little drizzle right at the end of the day. " — LGH-Tom • Jun 6, 2020

"This was a LOOOOOOOOONG hike! By starting at the Black Mountain trailhead, and hiking to the summit of Black Mountain, Erebus Mountain and Sleeping Beauty, we covered over 20 miles - a not-insignificant chunk of which was trudging through deep, melting snow as the conditions earlier in the hike had suggested we did not need to bring snowshoes." — RangersApprentice • Mar 7, 2020

"Water. Everywhere. Snow is all gone. Just water now. LOTS OF IT. Running down the trail from Pike Brook Road all the way up to the summit. Descending via the southeast trail was windy & surprisingly dry. Back to a waterlogged and washed out trail at the bottom past all the ponds. This would definitely be a very pretty and relatively easy hike in about 3 months.
Tried to continue on to Erebus and Sleeping Beauty. Made it as far Fishbrook Pond before giving up around my 137th water crossing of the day. Wasn't difficult, just annoying. Will come back when it's drier.
" — ndru-virus • Apr 27, 2019

"Black Mountain
November 10th, 2018
7:18a I started at about 6:45 this morning, I wanted to finish this mountain before work at 11a. The trail is covered in snow and even as I write this the snow is still falling. The only sounds to be heard are the streams running by and the wind blowing through the trees. I am about a mile in, so halfway, and have only been out here for a half an hour or so. It's so cold that in order to write I need to hold my glasses in my mouth or else they fog up when I breath.
7:48a I know people say you can never wear too many layers but, OH MY GOD, I am sweating and there is so much water running down this mountain, it’s crazy! I’ve gone through like 4 deep puddles and jumped across 2 rivers. I am not sure how much longer but I hope it is soon.
8:20a So believe it or not, I am not even 20 feet from where I wrote my last entry. I did walk a good .2 miles before noticing that I did not have my glasses. I ended up walking back the .2 miles to where I thought I had stopped only to not find them anywhere. Then I realized on my break I had peed but where I was, there was no marking of pee in the snow. So I walked another 20 ft back and there they wer..." — devenmosher24 • Nov 14, 2018

"2 semaines solo de pure plaisir à faire du hiking à différentes places dont les Whites Moutains. Celle-ci fut ma première rando de ce voyage au USA. J'ai bien aimé la montagne. Sentier assez facile et aucune rencontre de la journée!" — fsoucy76 • Sep 17, 2018
"My first Lake George 12ster. Also a fire tower. Nice view looking north along Lake George. I was hoping for more of a panaromic view of Lake George. Maybe somewhere else on the other trail. " — newenglandwarrior • Oct 5, 2017