7,772 ft / 2,369 m
8 climbs • 10.3 mi • 1,976 ft gain • 6 hr 15 min
2 climbs • 8.4 mi • 2,576 ft gain • 5 hr 7 min
Latest climbs

"Took the Black Mountain Trail from Hwy 243. Still looks the same as it did 19 years ago, when I last hiked it. The lookout tower on the summit was open to visitors. I got the grand tour." — MikeTeeples • Sep 24, 2023
"Rode over after Castle Rocks. Got the mtb all the way up to the path up to the tower. Tower was actively staffed (and seemed to be busy on radio), so not able to climb up to the deck, but enjoyed walking around the base." — edg • Aug 6, 2022

"Not so sporting, but I drove up to Boulder Basin CG and hiked the 1/2 mile to the top. The tower was manned by a very nice older man who was volunteering to look for wildfires." — klotito • Jun 7, 2018

"To get to this awesome peak, I took Black Mountain Road (4S01) south of Lake Fulmor, right off of 243, instead of the Black Mountain Trail further north which is the usual hiking route. The trail route I believe is 7 mi round trip/2,600' gain/loss. My route up the road is 11 miles round trip with 2,400' gain. The elevation gain is spread out over longer miles making the hike moderate as opposed to what other people label the trail route as strenuous. I took the road route because it looked more lush and shadier from what I have seen on Google Earth (I wanted to see lots of big pines, cedars, and firs. The only slight issue was the amount of truck traffic up and down. But the road gate was closed before Boulder Basin Campground, so the last mile to the summit and the lookout tower was very peaceful under tall Jeffrey Pines, Sugar Pines, Incense-Cedars, and White Firs, a few of which are quite tall and lush. There was nobody else on the summit the entire time I was on it, so it was just huge boulders, lizards, squirrels, birds, and I on a very windy summit (chilly, refreshing Santa Ana winds at nearly 8,000'). There are many large boulders to scramble in route and on the summ..." — brianpowell • Apr 29, 2017
"Sierra Club hike, 1.2 miles r/t w/350' gain from Boulder Basin CG along the Lookout Road. Nice views from the manned lookout tower, received a member certificate for the Ancient and Honorable Order of Squirrels from lookout volunteer Robin B. With Bill S, Pat V, Bruce C, HikerMark +3 Sierra Club hikers." — BradStemm • Aug 17, 2014