3,212 ft / 979 m
1 climb • 2.2 mi • 320 ft gain • 1 hr 6 min
Latest climbs

"Intended to visit both peaks and revisit the Bass Mansion ruins. However, it didn't take long to notice that the ruins are now gone. Unfortunately, without the ruins, there are some city views, but not much of any other reason to climb the hill. " — MikeTeeples • Jan 5, 2025

"I parked just East of Apple Valley Inn on a side road. From the locked East gate, I climbed the sandy road to the paved access road which goes to the water tanks in Pioneer Mountain. instead of going to the summit right away, I took the use trail that connects the two peaks and moved to Bass Hill. The abandoned mansion on top caught my interest. The mansion ruins sit on the summit and are fenced in. Naturally, the mansion property has nice views. After a thorough look, I doubled back to Pioneer Mountain. This time I climbed the high point behind the water tanks. I found two “Apple” benchmarks on top." — MikeTeeples • Feb 1, 2020