659 ft / 201 m
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"Hiked a section of the Peekskill- Briarcliff trail from Watch Hill road to Blinn road. Couple of minutes down Blinn road brought me to John E. Hand park where I took the Teatown-Kitchawan trail through the small park to pickup the summit trail to the top of Bald. Nice leisurely lunch before heading back. The P-B is a mix of woodsy trail and road walking. Crossing the Croton Dam was the only spot I encountered many others enjoying the fine weather and views." — Nimblefoot • May 13, 2020

"Short hike. There are several unmarked trails. We followed the purple & yellow blazes, and then turned right where the yellow trail split off to the right.
http://agiletrekker.blogspot.com/2013/04/john-hand-park-and-bald-mountain.html" — trekkerdog • Apr 25, 2013