1,080 ft / 329 m
14 climbs • 7.6 mi • 2,722 ft gain • 7 hr 2 min
Latest climbs
"A nice warm Fall day for doing the trio of Dunderberg, Bald and The Timp in the Harriman/Bear mountain complex. Followed up with a quick jaunt up Sugarloaf Hill before heading off to run some errands." — Nimblefoot • Sep 25, 2020
"Ah the first day of spring, at least for peak baggers, and it’s time to get out of the house despite the big lock down. Because of my wonderful alpine start of 10:19 from home managed to get one of the last parking spots along RT 9W in the Doodletown area. Did a loop of Dunderberg, Bald and The Timp, where I had lunch, using trails, woods road, ski trail and bushwhack. Managed to catch a sight of two Pileated woodpeckers swooping through the trees. Many hikers out enjoying the fresh air and not following the stay home protocol. To finish the day I headed over to the Silvermine Lake parking lot, which was full of cars, to do an out and back of Black mountain via woods roads and the AT/R-D. A rather large beaver house along the shore of the lake, I don’t think I’ve seen it before, they can be quite industrious." — Nimblefoot • Mar 22, 2020
"Enjoying a wonderful Fall day, breezy with a sunny blue sky, in Harriman and Bear Mountain SP. Visiting the summits of Dunderberg, Bald, The Timp and West Mountain. Nice sweeping view looking north over Bear mountain with its memorial tower." — Nimblefoot • Oct 12, 2018
"Did a loop of The Timp, Bald Mtn and Dunderberg Mtn with the wife from 9W south of Jones Point. Shared the open summit with other hikers after having The Timp to ourselves. Some younger folks had a nice hammock set up on top but took it down before I had chance to use it.....ah siesta time!" — Nimblefoot • Jun 18, 2016
"Did an out and back hike of Dunderberg and Bald Mtns from the Doodletown area on rt 9D. After visiting Dunderberg I bopped up Bald and took in the view over to Bear Mtn and up the Hudson. My descent was a bit slippery with the wet rocks and piles of oak leaves hiding ankle twisting hazards.
" — Nimblefoot • Dec 27, 2015
"Did a loop hike of the Timp-Torne and Ramapo-Dunderberg trails from Jones Point. After lunching on top of The Timp I headed over to Bald Mtn for another excellent view of Bear Mtn, Anthony's Nose and up the River." — Nimblefoot • Jun 25, 2015