3,074 ft / 937 m
21 climbs • 5.5 mi • 1,099 ft gain • 3 hr 11 min
4 climbs • 7.1 mi • 1,072 ft gain • 4 hr 42 min
2 climbs • 8.2 mi • 1,692 ft gain • 5 hr 4 min
2 climbs • 8.9 mi • 1,356 ft gain • 4 hr 21 min
Latest climbs

"Beautiful day out in lake mead for one of my favorite hikes through anniversary narrows to the peak with Kelly and Daisy. Daisy pretty much said no way on the last little scramble to the peak in her little dog voice, so Kelly and I took turns bagging it and took her back down to have our snacks at the saddle before heading back down the ridge. It was a perfect day. " — maggielynn • Dec 4, 2024

"Nice day with the 4 ladies. I had not been on our "up route" for 8 years, and was surprised to see lots of cairns. At first I thought I'd lead the group up my previous "down" route on Mean Gene, then realized how stupid that would be for a group. My heart was warmed by how accommodating all my friends were." — hwstock • Feb 17, 2024

"2.11.2023~ “Super Bowl” of Fire Views From Anniversary Narrows Peak via a CW Loop up and over route. Bestie Laszlo braved the Zig Zag Gulch descent option and won the battle. I opted for the adult diaper bypass. I’ll try it next time since he proved it possible. 6.2 miles, 1,300’ gain in 3:47hrs. " — paula.raimondi • Feb 11, 2023

"12.28.19....Anniversary Narrows & Peak, 8 miles, 1700’ gain. w/Jimmy. Spectacular views of the Bowl of Fire. Lots of eating & cozy time with Family had me feeling inactive and fluffy so I thought a visit to a mountain top was in order. Jimmy has never been here. He liked it. It was very cold. 46deg but with wind chill, it was freezing. I plan to come out here for a mondo ridge traverse so I was also able to scope out a plan of attack for that future visit. Lots of Mtn Lion prints. Was nice to see the sun again. And moon. @ Muddy Mountain Wilderness" — paula.raimondi • Dec 28, 2019

"I had heard that Anniversary Narrows was open again for the first time in a couple of years, so we planned to head through there and bag Anniversary Narrows Peak, as well as Mean Gene Peak, which was new to both of us. It was around 40 degrees when we started, but we warmed up quick by hiking at a decent pace. Once we actually started up towards Anniversary Narrows Peak, the sun crested the mountains, so it got a bit warmer. The traverse from ANP to MGP wasn't as straightforward as it looked on the topo maps, but wasn't terrible. We took a super steep descent route and made a loop of our hike. Overall, this is just what I needed today." — Kevin • Nov 30, 2019

"11.25.18 Anniversary Narrows & Peak/Bowl of Fire Loop. Again!...11 miles, 2,300’ gain, 4:38hr. Since I knew the way, I did everything faster than yesterday for mountaineer conditioning and so I could be free to enjoy the ride and not stare at my gps device constantly. I also used Harlan’s Track that had more Bowl of Fire miles. It’s so stunning it’s obscene and there is complete solitude. I tried not to waste time taking too many pictures but it’s really hard to resist! I think I got pics of prehistoric animal and dinosaur prints, also a photo of Mtn Lion prints by a pool of water. I saw many along the way like they were following me yesterday. Harlan said there are big populations of them at Lake Mead since nobody really treks out here. 4:38hr total. I did the 5 miles (mostly off trail rugged miles) through the Narrows and up to Anniversary Narrows Peak in 1:39hr, :10 min on top, down and out of the Bowl of Fire (and at the approach to Murphy’s) in 3hrs. The attempt of Murphy’s killed an hour. The rest was jogging Callville wash back to my car (some Messaging with Harlan too)... I tried for Murphy’s Peak again from a different ascent route but came up short again. It is sharp stee..." — paula.raimondi • Nov 25, 2018

"11.24.18...10 mile, 2,500’ gain. Anniversary Narrows, Anniversary Narrows Peak, Bowl of Fire (and an impressive attempt of Murphy’s Peak)~Loop. For many years I’ve wanted to do this Peak and also see the narrows. I’m probably one of the only local runner/hikers who hasn’t been here. It was a beautiful warm day in the Desert. This area is so stunning. I came within 70’ ish of summiting Murphys Peak. It was the hardest climbing I’ve done without a handline. It is a loose messy mountain and I took an ascent route that was out of my league and skill set but I didn’t give up and kept at for as long as I could take scaring the crap out of myself. It was a successful failure! Fun day. (Thanks Harlan for the Beta)" — paula.raimondi • Nov 24, 2018

"I left a birthday note for Valentina, who would be there the next day, but the other members of that 52-club hike removed the note before she saw it. Most exciting part was going up an "impassable dryfall" in Fire Cliffs. My way up South Gate is not recommended; there is an easier chute just a hundred meters south." — hwstock • Dec 1, 2015

"Did a loop through the narrows then over the peak into the Bowl of Fire. Holy awesome desert hike, batman. It had a bit of everything! Mining ruins, narrows, red rock, scrambly peak, and route finding challenges. I love it all!" — calipidder • Nov 23, 2010

"Hiked up with my Dad through the Narrows! There was quite a bit of water flowing in the Narrows and the area had recently had a large flood that did a lot of damage to Calville bay down stream!!" — Corey • Oct 10, 2010