5,795 ft / 1,766 m
Most climbed route
2 climbs • 6.5 mi • 1,335 ft gain
Latest climbs

"Troop 128 (Johnson family) hiked to the the top of Allen Peak, westernmost mountain of the Yucaipa Ridge. We were taking part in Varsity Scouting Operation On Target where groups summit various local mountains and use mirrors to signal to each other. The hike to the summit was strenuous as much of the trail was overgrown, hard to find and very steep. Once at the peak, we successfully sent and received signals with Black Mountain (near Mt. San Jacinto) and Elsinore Peak.
Edit: I forgot to mention that on the hike up, we heard a bear growl at us. Our pace quickened significantly at that point... Also, we were the only people on the trail all day. We saw no one. Amazing hiking experience." — mattjohnson • Jul 18, 2020

"Yucaipa Ridge Traverse! Allen to Little San Gorgonio. Stashed a bike at the Vivian Creek TH, then drove back and left the car at the entrance to the Bearpaw Reserve. From Little San G, descended a sketchy gully to Mill Creek then a quick bike ride to close the loop. I looks like an animal ripped open the register case on Allen and made off with the register!" — klotito • Apr 22, 2018

"Final peak of a 7-peak HPS hike along the Yucaipa ridge (starting at Little San Gorgonio), led by Peter and Ignacia Doggett. There were fresh bear prints on the trail..big ones!" — HikerMark • May 10, 2014